
Here’s what people say about Annalisa:

I’d been struggling with muscle tension for years, and especially repeated calf muscle strains from playing tennis. The injuries prevented me from playing the sport I love. Annalisa was able to alleviate the specific muscle tension, as well as the muscle tension throughout my body, and explain what was going on too. My body clearly benefits from regular work / visits and it has responded so well that I have not had an injury for over 9 months.

Annalisa really helps my body operate on a higher level, and this translates into emotional well-being too. Annalisa knows exactly where to work and what to work on, each time I see her. She is fantastic at what she does, and I’d recommend her to anyone who has any physical / muscle issues. Having been a practitioner for over 20 years myself, I can confidently state that “you are in the hands of a brilliant practitioner with Annalisa”.

I was recommended to Annalisa 16 years ago by a chiropractor as I was suffering and had been suffering for some years previously from acute pains in my back which were beyond his skills to resolve. She quickly recognised the severity of the issues and advised and supported me through major spinal surgery to repair a crumbling disc. Since then she has, through regular treatment and manipulation,  successfully managed my chronic condition. Without this regular and sympathetic treatment I would not be in a position to maintain a relatively normal level of physical activity.

I cannot speak too highly of Annalisa’s high level of professional competence, her sympathetic and consistent commitment to me – and as an extra bonus her friendship which has developed over the years. Annalisa has a strong network of professional and medical contacts and I am grateful that she has willingly used this network on my behalf in helping me to deal with another chronic illness which has developed over recent years.

A Chiropractor in USA said when I get back to the UK from my holiday I need to get regular massage.  I was given the name of Annalisa many years ago and  started to have regular treatment with her immediately on my return, every two weeks which I now call my MOT  her attention to detail and concern keeps me going and I feel well below by age of 84

I originally went to see Annalisa for shoulder and neck issues, and have kept coming back every time I have had any injuries to address. The way Annalisa takes the time to really get to know you as a client so that she can provide the most personal care and treatment to aid your recovery is what really stands her apart from any other clinician. I recently qualified as a physio, and Annalisa’s clinical handling and manual treatment techniques are second to none, from the very first treatment you can feel the difference. On top of this she can address so many other factors to aid you in your recovery such as optimising your nutrition, and tackling stress that you really get the full package.”

I first visited Annalisa because I was experiencing problems with my shoulders. They were very stiff and I showed signs of developing “Dowager’s Hump”. I had also broken some metatarsals and been diagnosed with osteopenia. Annalisa completely sorted me out. Her massage soothed my foot and helped the healing process considerably. She worked wonders with my shoulders. Over a period of several months she worked hard to soothe the stress in my shoulders and eventually my hump completely disappeared. Regular massage has kept it at bay.

Annalisa has also given me some very helpful tips in connection with my exercise and stretching routine. I am so grateful!

Vicky H
Annalisa has been treating me for over five years. Her expertise and knowledge is limitless and she always knows exactly what is required to help an aching body.

Added to that, her kindness and thoughtful approach are a mind soother.
I count myself very fortunate to be on her list of patients and hope it will continue for a long time to come.

Paul R
I have been seeing Annalisa for about 20 months now. I had a rapidly deteriorating arthritic hip. My wife had used Annalisa for many years, so I arranged my first appointment. The massage treatment was soothing, robust and practical. It allowed much greater mobility and reduced pain. I knew ultimately the hip would need to be replaced, but Annalisa’s professionalism and attentiveness probably prolonged the life for a year.

The hip was successfully replaced five weeks ago. Annalisa has been involved in the rehabilitation, kindly visiting us at home, as driving is not permitted. Directing physio exercises – it is very easy to cheat and then they are much less effective – completing massage to keep other muscles working smoothly. Her assistance has been invaluable and I would recommend her to anyone rehabilitating. Her positive attitude and personality is very important, particularly during this recovery process. Annalisa, thank you again for your help.

Annalisa has been looking after the health and well being of my two daughters since about 2005 and she can claim some of the credit for the fact that they are happily able to pursue their ambitions and follow their very different paths.

A was 1st referred to Annalisa following a potentially very serious accident at Thorpe Park, she has a scoliosis of the spine but despite that and the effects of the accident with Annalisa’s help, guidance and treatments leads an exceptionally active life. She is now at 23 a qualified nurse and is currently at HMS Raleigh on her naval induction course – within the next few weeks she will be embarking on her chosen career of service nursing. Annalisa’s treatments have kept her on track and able to achieve throughout this time; an active participator in school sport particularly rowing and including coxing for a Great Britain VIII and at Henley Royal Regatta, Officer’s Training Corp and Army reservist at University and now keeping her fit enough for Naval basic training.

My younger daughter has different dreams and needs different support, she is equally active and ambitious but in a different direction. S followed A to Annalisa but the support offered is different. Sarah is more delicate and sensitive and has found her teenage and early adult years more difficult to get through. Throughout school and now at university Annalisa’s help and support in advising and guiding S has been invaluable. Annalisa provides the “additional” ear for S’s worries and offers guidance, support, advice and consultation for her. She has treated S’s back and neck for some time and kept her active and reduced the level of pain that Sarah has suffered following a number of falls. This has also reduced the number of migraines that Sarah previously endured. Annalisa’s support is not limited to the physical but her wise words of advice have supported me and Sarah in ensuring that she eats sensibly and well whilst away at university, exercises properly and to a safe level at the gym and keeps fit enough to be able to do the things she loves to do and study for her degree!

I anticipate that Annalisa will continue to be an important part of my daughter’s lives. They and  I see their treatments and visits to “WalkTall” as vital maintenance – keeping them on track and allowing them to move forward into their lives with confidence.